Friday 29 July 2011

What does a healthy relationship look like?

A healthy relationship is one where both people are free to be themselves. You can both grow and change. A situation is created where you can come together and be "us" without losing your own identity. And you can grow together.
In a fulfilling relationship each person accepts the other's difference and is willing to compromise when appropriate. That does not mean you should be willing to accommodate when it is not appropriate.
Good relationships are founded on mutual trust, support and honest communication. The aim is to enhance your own life, the other person's life and the relationship.
You are certainly not in a healthy relationship if you are feeling judged or walking on eggshells. When you feel controlled or feel the need to control there is something fundamentally wrong!

If you are feeling some of the following you are more likely to be in an unhealthy relationship:

1. You have a sense that you have to fit into someone else's perception of what is right/wrong/appropriate in order to be loved and valued.

2. There always seems to be something about the relationship that is not quite right or needs to be repaired.

3. Your needs are not being met.

4. You often feel "not good enough".

5. You are tense around your partner (more often than not).

6. You often feel trapped.

7. Being there is not what you really want but you are afraid to leave.

8. You spend time filling your life with other things to keep your mind off how unhappy you feel in  the relationship.

9. You can't be completely honest about how you feel or what you think.

10. You feel you don't really have a choice about whether or not to stay in the relationship.

11. You feel controlled or you feel the need to control.


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